Safeguarding Children from Sexual Risks in Cyberspace

Document Type : Original Article


MA student, Islamic Theology, Al-Mustafa International University


Sexual education within the framework of Islam is rooted in the Islamic perspective on the relationship between individuals and God. Islam acknowledges the existence of carnal desires and does not advocate for their suppression. However, it also emphasizes the importance of maintaining a controlled and regulated approach, rather than endorsing unrestricted freedom. The objective of this research is to address the challenges associated with navigating sexual risks faced by children in the realm of cyberspace. The research methodology employed is analytical-descriptive in nature. Amongst various instincts and motivations, sexual instinct holds a significant position, leading to profound transformations in both individual and societal aspects of life. Islam, as a religion, comprehensively addresses the diverse needs of humanity. Specific problems concerning sex education in the digital realm include the proliferation of pornography and the dissemination of moral deviations within society. Islamic teachings propose several religious solutions to tackle these common issues. These solutions include fostering modesty and strengthening faith, cultivating an emotionally supportive atmosphere within the family, monitoring children's access to tools and environments associated with sexual content, providing timely and accurate sex education, promoting constructive use of leisure time, implementing preventive measures against premature sexual awakening, shaping individual personalities, and imparting knowledge regarding the appropriate use of virtual spaces and social networks. Moreover, certain research findings indicate that parents' lack of knowledge regarding effective approaches to sexual education for their children, as well as their hesitancy and modesty in addressing sexual matters, have contributed to deviations and challenges in this domain
