Ph.D. in Comparative Tafsir, Al-Mustafa International University
The virtual environment is a powerful realm and tool that has transcended numerous boundaries. Within this environment, there are countless active users who engage in various fields, including that of Islam. The level of user engagement within the Islamic world does not adequately meet the diverse needs of this community. The most strategic, vital, and essential step is to connect users within a network in order to leverage the abundant resources, opportunities, markets, and capabilities available, and to overcome limitations and challenges. The objective of this research is to establish a network among cyberspace users within the Islamic world and address the question of how we can effectively connect users in the cyberspace of the Islamic world. The data collection method employed in this study is primarily based on documentary research and library resources. The data analysis adopts a qualitative approach, utilizing a series of systematic procedures to inductively develop a theory for the phenomenon being investigated. The networking of cyberspace users within the Islamic world encompasses a series of causal, contextual, and intervening conditions, strategies, and outcomes that collectively form a model for connecting users in the virtual environment of the Islamic world