Cyberspace and Evolution of Religiosity


1 Researcher, Al-Mustafa International Research Institute

2 Faculty member, Al-Mustafa International University


Cyberspace is an electronic medium that generates, transfers, receives, processes, and deletes data. It has become an integral part of many people's lives, with different social, economic, entertainment, and educational aspects, serving various functions based on users' requirements. The impact of contemporary cyberspace and social media has expanded beyond virtual boundaries, transforming the physical world and society. In the digital age, cyberspace creates new cultural forms by changing culture and its components. Religiosity, as one of the main socio-cultural manifestations, is also affected by this process. This research aims to measure the scope and magnitude of the effects of cyberspace on religiosity. The study uses a descriptive-analytical method as well as Heidegger’s and Baudrillard's approach to analyze the impacts of the virtual space on the evolution of religiosity. The research identifies the perceptual transformation of truth and the sacred matter, religious identity, religious authority, the concept of chastity, and the consumerization of the religious as the components of religiosity that have evolved under the influence of virtual space. The study concludes that the virtual space is secular by nature
